Moving Packing Supplies, Boston Relocation Services, Moving Companies In Boston
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Moving Supplies
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Aviv Movers
Moving Supplies

Packing is one of the biggest parts of your move. All your belongings have to be packed neatly and systematically. This not only ensures that there is minimum damage to your belongings, but also helps speed up the moving process and ease the unpacking process in your new home.

Here are some general rules for packing:
 Pack heavy articles in smaller boxes and bulky, light articles in larger boxes.
 Secure each box well with tape. This not only prevents the box from opening, but also gives it additional strength.
 Make sure each box is filled up to, and not beyond the top. Stuff any extra space with paper to prevent the box being crushed and also to cushion the article. Packing above the edge of the box will make it uneven and difficult to stack in the truck.
 Label each box clearly with the contents and instructions for fragile or other special articles.
 Wrap all fragile articles individually in paper. Cushion the box carrying these articles well.
 Nest or stack expensive glassware and chinaware with a sheet of paper in between each piece.
 If possible, pack all large electronic equipment in their original packaging.
 Articles like blankets and pillows may be stored in furniture drawers or used for padding other boxes.
 While packing many articles in one box, pack heavier ones at the bottom and lighter ones at the top.

We can also supply packing material if you require. Please refer to the following pricing chart as a rough guide.
Special Offer: FREE Delivery of boxes for all orders over $30

 Book Box $4.00
 Linen Box $5.00
 China Box $8.00
 Picture Box $7.00
 Wardrobe Box (rent) $9.00
 Wardrobe Box (buy) $15.00
 Lamp Box $7.00
 Mattress Cover $7.00
 Mattress Box $17.00
 25 lb Wrapping Paper $30.00
 10 lb Wrapping Paper $15.00
 TAPE (per roll) $3.00
 Shrink Wrap $5 to $10(Small\Large Piece)
 Pad (rental) $1.00
 Pad (buy) $15.00

Special Offer: FREE Delivery of boxes for all orders over $30